Money Mindset Blocks That Keep Female Business Owners broke

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Have you ever felt like something was holding you back from achieving your financial goals?

Do you feel as though there is something blocking you from gaining financial freedom? Blocks such as feelings of worthlessness, insecurity, guilt, lack..

There’s a lot of talk about money blocks when it comes to female business owners. But what are they, really? And how can you overcome them?


Simply put, a money block is anything that’s holding you back from achieving financial success. It could be a belief that you’re not good enough, or that money is somehow evil. Maybe you grew up being told that women don’t make as much as men, so you don’t bother trying.

Whatever the case may be, overcoming your wealth blocks is essential if you want to achieve financial success as a business owner. And it starts with getting real about what’s holding you back.

There are plenty of ways to help you take control of your finances and empower yourself as a female business owner and truth is, there are many obstacles that we as women face when it comes to our business and financial success.

As history itself taught us, we have traditionally been held to different standards than men when it comes to things like money. We often face stereotypes and roadblocks when it comes to making decisions or investments, and these can be incredibly damaging to our financial success and well-being.

This translates to a lack of confidence when it comes to taking risks in business and investing our own money into something bigger. It can tamper with our sense of financial security, as well as our overall ability to succeed financially.

Though at times it can feel like an impossible task to break down these walls and succeed in business, there are plenty of ways we can take back our power and create the wealth we seek.

Often, these money blocks appear when we are just starting out, at the beginning of a program, after hitting an income plateau, or after setting a big financial goal.To free ourselves from these blocks, we need to begin by recognizing the stories and beliefs that are creating them.

You were made to succeed, so that money blocks aren’t a problem. Keep reading to discover which Wealth Mindset Blocks Keep Female Business Owners from Succeeding, and how to overcome them once and for all so that you can propel your wealth.

Fear of Failure and Taking Risks

The fear of failure is a very real and powerful emotion. It can prevent us from taking risks, trying new things, and reaching our full potential. When it comes to finances, this fear can be even more crippling.

As a female entrepreneur, it’s important to face your fears and take risks. Failure is a part of any successful journey, but it’s especially prevalent in the entrepreneurial world. Women are often socialized to avoid failure at all costs, but in order to be successful, you must be willing to take some risks.

When I work with clients who are struggling to overcome their fear of failure, I remind them that any failure is just a learning opportunity and encourage them to reframe their perspective. I help them understand that failure doesn’t make them a bad entrepreneur, but it’s actually an important part of the journey.

As I learned, failure can be a powerful teacher and help us to develop resilience in order to succeed. With each mistake we make, we gain valuable insight on what works and what doesn’t as well as how to improve our approach to business in the future.

I also remind them that being bold is not about perfection; rather it means having the courage to put yourself out there and take risks without worrying too much about outcomes. It’s true that some risks will pay off while others don’t—and that’s okay! The most successful entrepreneurs understand this concept and recognize the importance of taking calculated risks when necessary.

By embracing your fears and taking smart risks you can create an environment for success!

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

As a female entrepreneur, you may have experienced something called “imposter syndrome.” This is when you feel like a fraud or phony in your business, even though you’re successful. It can be intrusive and debilitating, and for those of us who are high-achievers or perfectionists, this can be especially pronounced. Left unchecked, imposter syndrome can lead to self-doubt and hold you back from reaching your full potential.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this feeling and take back control of your business

  1. Acknowledge your feelings

The first step is to acknowledge that you’re feeling like an impostor. This can be tough, but it’s important to recognize that these feelings are normal and common. Once you’ve acknowledged them, you can start to deal with them.

  1. Talk about it with someone you trust

It can be helpful to talk about your feelings with someone who understands and can offer support. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or business coach. Talking openly about how you’re feeling can help to lessen the power of imposter syndrome.

  1. Reframe your thinking

When you’re dealing with imposter syndrome, your thoughts are likely to be negative and self-critical. Reframing your thinking can help you to see things in a more positive light. For example, instead of thinking “I’m not good enough,” try telling yourself “I’m doing my best.”

  1. Take action – release the inner shame

When you start taking steps towards achieving your goals, it can help build your confidence and remind yourself that you are capable of success. Taking action will also show you tangible progress which will further boost your self-confidence.

The thing is, we need to learn to embrace our successes and not let self-doubt win. We are powerful and capable women who deserve all the good things life has to offer. So the next time you’re feeling like an imposter, remember these words and know that you are worthy of everything you’ve achieved.

Limiting Beliefs About Money

When it comes to money, we often face a unique set of challenges and obstacles. For many women, these challenges can be traced back to a series of limiting beliefs about money.

These beliefs might include things like “I’m not good with money,” “I don’t deserve to make a lot of money,” or “It’s not possible for me to become wealthy.” This can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, as women who believe this may not take the actions necessary to make their businesses successful.

 They can be extremely damaging, as they can lead women to self-sabotage their own success, thus believing that making money is somehow unethical or wrong. It can affect your ability to charge what you are worth and in turn, hurt your business and its growth.

So if you’re a female business owner struggling with your finances, it’s important to ask yourself questions like “What evidence do I have that supports my belief?” or “How might my life be different if I changed this belief?” 

And if you’re serious about overcoming your limiting beliefs, challenging them is the first step in changing your financial story. 

By looking objectively at our own assumptions and thought patterns, we can gain a deeper understanding of what’s really holding us back from achieving financial success and begin to break these barriers.

Fear of Success

Last but definitely not least, one of the biggest money blocks that female business owners face. The fear of SUCCESS

This might sound strange, but it’s true. Women are often so afraid of succeeding that they don’t even try to take risks or put themselves out there. They’re worried about being judged as too ambitious, or that they won’t be able to handle success if they do achieve it.

This can lead to procrastination and a complete lack of motivation and can manifest in a number of ways, such as not charging enough for products or services, under-investing in the business, or even avoiding marketing and sales activities altogether.

The root cause of this fear is often a lack of self-confidence or feelings of unworthiness. Sound familiar? Much like with our limiting beliefs and even imposter syndrome, women who have been socialized to downplay their own achievements and abilities can find it difficult to believe that they are deserving of success. 

This fear can be further compounded by the lack of female representation in certain sectors. Women may worry that they will not fit into the established corporate culture or be accepted as an equal member of a team, which can lead to feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. This is especially true for women who are entering male-dominated industries, where there is often gender bias due to preconceived notions about women’s capabilities.

Fortunately, there are a number of ways to overcome this fear and start claiming your rightful place as a successful business owner:

  • Building a strong support network
  • Developing positive self-talk and
  • Getting professional help when needed are all great strategies for combating the fear of success. 

Remember: you are capable, you are worthy, and you deserve to succeed!

So now that we’ve taken a look at some of the most common wealth mindset blocks that we female business owners tend to experience, and discussed ways in which we can begin to break through them – it’s important to remember that success isn’t only about making money.

It’s also about finding joy, peace, and purpose in what we do. Money is simply a tool for helping us achieve our goals; by changing your relationship with it and challenging yourself to think differently about wealth.

The moment has arrived. 

Unlock your personal path to more financial freedom and flow, so that you can easily attract and grow your business… From a place of abundance and self-awareness.

Now is the time to manifest your success story. You’re ready!

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